Lit circle assignment one

This Quote is from the very first sentence of the novel. “Mr.Jones, of the Manor Farm, had locked all the hen-houses for the night, but was too drunk to shut the pop-holes”. This quote shows that the setting of the novel is on a farm. Farm lands are very spread out so the farmer likely has less social connections. It also shows that the protagonist (the farmer) drinks more than he should. Perhaps his life is not going as well as he would like it to so he resorts to drinking. People that drink that much when they are alone often have are in a bad mood or have issues in their lives. 

At the start of the novel the Narrator is describing how all the animals are all meeting within the barn in the farm. When suddenly there is a massive twist in the novel when this passage is said by a pig called major. “Comrades, you have heard already about the strange dream that i had last night. But I will come to the dream later. I have something else to say first. I do not think, that i will be with you for many months longer, and before i die i feel it is my duty to pass on to you such wisdom i have acquired”. This speech said by Major the pig is important because it shows that the animals are able to communicate with each other. He describes how he had a dream last night. This shows that the animals have human features and are able to dream. It also shows that the Pig is the leader of the group as he expresses how he will have to pass on his knowledge.

#2 i did not understand what it was asking. Would i be able to do a section of another question instead? if you could please email me that would be great. If it doesn't work could i come in for some clarification?

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